In 2018 The Bulgarian Society for Dermatologic Surgery starts training courses for graduates and young specialists (up to 3 people in a group, a compulsory condition is for candidates to have a perfect command of English – both spoken and written) who are keen on science projects and publications, pursuing rapid habilitation in dermatology, dermatosurgery, surgery, plastic reconstruction and maxillofacial surgery and / or dermato-oncology. The aims of the course are to give clear answers to the following questions as well as to lay the foundations of academic thinking in a stressful working environment:
1) Academic Growth in Bulgaria – Conditions for Academic Growth? Are the current criteria for habilitation of young scientists optimal? Does the system need improvement? Real science in Bulgaria – myth or reality? How do we meet these criteria within the shortest possible timeframe (no more than 2 years)? Setting clear goals and how to achieve them? Innovative thinking – beat the system!
2) How to generate a scientific work? How do we determine the significance of a particular clinical finding and the possibility of it being realised as a project / scientific publication?
3) What do we need as material and information to make a good publication? How can this happen as quickly as possible?
4) Keeping patient data and an information statement about future photos / x-rays! Time factor for risk manoeuvres! Protective manoeuvres to keep data as safe as possible.
5) Creating articles in the shortest possible time – each participant will actively participate in the creation of at least 6 articles (generated on the basis of scientific hypotheses or real data), in advance the materials for each of them will be selected in 1) real patient visits or 2) already documented data about former patients and 3 other possibilities.
6) Impact factor – choosing an article to publish in a magazine with an impact factor, how to get to success? Psychological approach to choosing a magazine with a high impact factor? How long are we willing to invest to be successful in time? How not to waste time choosing a magazine for a possible publication? Stereotypes of behaviour – when, how, and how many times? What can or cannot we afford?
7) Editing the type of articles according to the magazine’s terms, do we need to sometimes break the conditions in order to be successful? Va banque?
8) Why not apply for funding under European research projects? Risks and Benefits? Role of individual (self)funding of projects as the only guarantor of success and innovation!
9) Types of cooperation between separate lines of specialisation – How? When? And how long?
The courses will be held on a daily basis (depending on the free time and the number of people willing) and the venue of the courses will be further specified by the representatives of The Bulgarian Society for Dermatologic Surgery! The course is in the form of lectures and at the same time work on the goals described by the organisers. Optimum conditions are created to clarify these issues within the shortest possible timeframe.
The training period will be considered completed once individual success has been achieved by each participant, i.e. achieving real results in at least 6 international journals (pubmed indexed). The aim is to achieve these results thanks to the individual work of each registered participant (under strict control over each step) and at the end of this period the participants should be able to quickly decide how they should act and work in order to achieve the desired success.
Documents are accepted for Bulgarian and foreign citizens and perfect English, computer literacy and internet use (word, powerpoint, excel) are mandatory conditions.
Prof Dr Georgi Tchernev
Chief of Polyclinic of Dermatology, Venereology and Dermatologic Surgery
бул. General Skobelev 26
1606, Sofia, Bulgaria
gsm: +359.885588424