The Bulgarian Society for Dermatologic Surgery (BULSDS) aims to work for the development, improvement and validation of the health education and health culture of our colleagues in the field of dermatologic surgery, and at the same time contributing to the support and personal realization of different types of specialists, directly or indirectly related to dermatologic surgery and oncology. To achieve its goals the Bulgarian Society for Dermatologic Surgery (BULSDS) aims to perform the following activities:
1) organize and hold an annual national congress of the BULSDS (March 15-16, 2019, first edition), as well as
2) additional courses (practical and theoretical on the society’s website), seminars and training in the field of dermatologic surgery and oncology;
3) explain and advocate the basic principles and achievements of dermatologic surgery in Bulgaria and work for its progress;
4) support the development of healthcare in Bulgaria in the field of dermatologic surgery, organization of medical care in this field and implementation of innovative methodologies in medical practice (our latest achievements in the field of dermato-surgical science);
5) participate in organizing and holding interdisciplinary scientific events (national and international);
6) help regulate the professional and collegial relations between doctors – dermatologists, dermatologic surgeons, dermato-oncologists, surgeons, as well as other specialists related to this branch of medicine;
7) promote the improvement of the professional qualification of its members; contribute to the creation of an information environment on the problems of dermatologic science.
The objective of the annual BULSDS congresses will be to formalize the innovative methods of treatment of skin cancer, and also to comment on the wrong actions taken in this area. The lengthy discussions after each problematic case should be subject to imminent “scientific dissection”, which will bring both the clinician and patient to the most favorable end.
Dermatologic surgery and dermatologic surgeons are one of the pioneers in the field of dermatologic oncology and dermatologic science that create prerequisites for optimal therapeutic solutions in the field of both oncology and dermatologic aesthetics.
We hope that this interdisciplinary national/international forum will become an open door between all disciplines involved in the diagnostics and treatment of skin tumors, neoplastic diseases of heterogeneous genesis, as well as innovations in the field of dermatologic aesthetics/surgery.
Prof. Dr. Georgi Tchernev, Founder