George Reizner MD, President ISD : “It is with great sadness that we mourn the passing of Cynthia H. Froehlich!”

It is with great sadness that we mourn the passing of Cynthia H. Froehlich, BA, MA, on May 5th in a tragic car accident. Cindy, as we fondly called her, was more than the Executive Director of the International Society of Dermatology – she was the heart and soul of our society. We will all miss her, from her sitting in the hallway outside the Monday evening ISD receptions at … Прочети повече

Проф Д-р Нели Конников от Бостън, USA- лектор на 3ти национален конгрес на българското дружество по дерматологична хирургия, 14-15 май, София, България.

Prof. Dr. Nellie Konnikov Professor of Dermatology at Boston University School of Medicine and Tufts Medical School, Boston, USA. Graduated and received her M.D. degree from Moscow Medical School, Dr. Konnikov had her initial Dermatology training in Moscow and after moving to United States completed her Dermatology residency at the Boston University-Tufts University in Boston, in addition to a DermFoundation Fellowship in Immunology. Former Director of Dermatology Residency Program at … Прочети повече

Проф Д-р Рикардо Виеира от Португалия – отново лектор на 3ти национален конгрес на българското дружество по дерматологична хирургия, 14-15 май, София, България.

Ricardo Vieira is a board certified dermatologist since 2005. He obtained the Ph.D. degree in 2014, working since then as Assistant Professor of Dermatology in the University of Coimbra. His clinical practice is based on dermatologic surgery, including Mohs surgery, and dermato-oncology, the two main fields of interest also in the research setting. Therefore, he contributed as co-author of several papers about dermatologic surgery (description of some novel surgical techniques, … Прочети повече

Проф Д-р Пиетро Неноф от Германия – отново лектор на 3ти национален конгрес на българското дружество по дерматологична хирургия, 14-15 май, София, България.

Dr. Pietro Nenoff received his degree as medical doctor (thesis) at the Department of Dermatology of the University of Leipzig, Germany. This was followed by the Ph.D. thesis (habilitation) in 2000: „In vitro investigations of pathogenic fungi. In vitro susceptibility testing of yeasts, in particular Malassezia furfur – and dermatophytes against different antifungals and antiseborrhoeic agents.“ Since 2002 he is working as laboratory physician and dermatologist at his own lab … Прочети повече

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