Special (Thematic) Issue “Global Dermatology” with Bulgarian Participance Was Published / 2019-12-03/ OAMJMS

Special issue “Global Dermatology” (with serious Bulgarian participance in some of the key topics) 18th issue of the seventh volume of Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences (OAMJMS) was published online (September 30, 2019). A total number of 39 papers are published. We thank Prof. Dr Uwe Wollina (Department of Dermatology and Allergology, Städtisches Klinikum Dresden, Dresden, Germany) and Prof. Dr Torello Lotti (University of Rome G. Marconi, Rome, … Прочети повече

Микеланджело Мериси Да Караваджо (1571-1610): познат в обществото като престъпник, убиец и уникален художник!

The Baroque artist Caravaggio is famous for gruesome paintings like “Judith Beheading Holofernes.“ Yet it wasn’t only his paintings that were brutal and violent. In the early 17th century, Caravaggio went to trial at least 11 times for things like writing libelous poems, throwing a plate of artichokes at a waiter and assaulting people with swords. He eventually fled Rome to escape punishment for killing a man, and died in … Прочети повече

Втора национална конференция на българското дружество по дерматологична хирургия (БДДХ), 13-14 март, 2020, Хотел Маринела, зала София!!

Регистрация: тел.: 0885588424 Имейл: georgi_tchernev@yahoo.de Банкова сметка на БДДХ: Българско Дружество по Дерматологична Хирургия ЕООД ЕИК: 205110659 ул. Георги Бенковски 4A 1000, София България Уникредит Булбанк BIC/SWIFT: UNCRBGSF IBAN: BG44UNCR70001523228496

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