George Reizner MD, President ISD : “It is with great sadness that we mourn the passing of Cynthia H. Froehlich!”

It is with great sadness that we mourn the passing of Cynthia H. Froehlich, BA, MA, on May 5th in a tragic car accident. Cindy, as we fondly called her, was more than the Executive Director of the International Society of Dermatology – she was the heart and soul of our society. We will all miss her, from her sitting in the hallway outside the Monday evening ISD receptions at the AAD meeting to sitting next to the ISD President at Board meetings. Cindy connected on a personal level to so many of our members.


George Reizner, MD, ISD President
Marcia Ramos-e-Silva, MD, Executive Vice President
Nellie Konnikov, MD, Secretary-General
Vinod Sharma, MD, Asistant

Hassan Galadari, MD, Treasurer
Jean Bolognia, MD, Communications Committee Chair
Jorge Ocampo-Candiani, MD, Membership Committee Chair
Evangeline Handog, FPDS, Immediate Past President