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1. Conference hall one day before the conference of the Bulgarian Society for Dermatologic Surgery/ Second national congress of the Bulgarian Society for Dermatologic Surgery/ , 13 March, 2020, Hotel Marinela, Sofia.

2. Conference hall one day before the conference of the Bulgarian Society for Dermatologic Surgery. Second national congress of the Bulgarian Society for Dermatologic Surgery/BSDS, 13 March, 2020, Hotel Marinela, Sofia.

3. Conference hall one day before the conference of the Bulgarian Society for Dermatologic Surgery. Second national congress of the Bulgarian Society for Dermatologic Surgery/, 13 March, 2020, Hotel Marinela, Sofia.

4. Registration desk early in the morning. Second national congress of the Bulgarian Society for Dermatologic Surgery/, 13 March, 2020, Hotel Marinela, Sofia.

5. Dr. Malev, Prof. Dr. Georgi Tchernev and Dr. Terziev in their usual debates on unknown topics. Second national congress of the Bulgarian Society for Dermatologic Surgery/ , 13 March, 2020, Hotel Marinela, Sofia.

6. Dr. Terziev, Prof. Dr Georgi Tchernev and Dr. Malev in good mood just before conference’s onset. Second national congress of the Bulgarian Society for Dermatologic Surgery/, 13 March, 2020, Hotel Marinela, Sofia.

7. Prof. Dr Georgi Tchernev and Dr. Ivan Terziev making new plans and preparing for the event, expecting government’s decision over the possible state of emergency in the country. Second national congress of the Bulgarian Society for Dermatologic Surgery/, 13 March, 2020, Hotel Marinela, Sofia.

8. Dr. Ivan Georgiev showing something spectacular (his new girlfriend?) to Dr. Terziev. Prof. Dr. Georgi Tchernev is not allowed to have a closer look, which makes him feel isolated. Second national congress of the Bulgarian Society for Dermatologic Surgery/, 13 March, 2020, Hotel Marinela, Sofia.

9. Ladies on the registration desk in apparently good mood. Second national congress of the Bulgarian Society for Dermatologic Surgery/, 13 March, 2020, Hotel Marinela, Sofia.

10. Registrations desk’s supervisor of the Bulgarian Society for Dermatologic Surgery – Tatyana Todorova. Second national congress of the Bulgarian Society for Dermatologic Surgery/, 13 March, 2020, Hotel Marinela, Sofia.

11. Dr. Ivan Terziev presenting and debating over the role of the histopathology in malignant blue nevi, atypical blue nevi, normal blue nevi, and presence of blue nevus cells in the locoregional lymph nodes. Second national congress of the Bulgarian Society for Dermatologic Surgery/, 13 March, 2020, Hotel Marinela, Sofia.

12. Dr. Valeri Malev presenting a case of regressing, but simultaneously metastatazing melanoma, drug induces melanoma and the model of one-step melanoma surgery. Dr. Malev drags the attention on the lack of financing from the National Health Insurance Fund for two important medications for treatment of advanced melanoma and the problems with the lack of interdisciplinarity in the everyday healthcare system. Second national congress of the Bulgarian Society for Dermatologic Surgery/, 13March, 2020, Hotel Marinela, Sofia.

13. Dr. Valeri Malev discusses the available scientific data for Aspirin, Hydrochlorothiazide and Irbesartan induced melanomas. Second national congress of the Bulgarian Society for Dermatologic Surgery/, 13 March, 2020, Hotel Marinela, Sofia.

14. Dr. Milen Karaivanov objecting the thesis of drug-induced cancerogenesis in an intense debate. Second national congress of the Bulgarian Society for Dermatologic Surgery/,13 March, 2020, Hotel Marinela, Sofia.

15. Prof. Dr. Georgi Tchernev with convincing arguments for other evidences in the scientific literature, regarding the association of Aspirin and thiazide diuretics with melanoma. The debates continue. Second national congress of the Bulgarian Society for Dermatologic Surgery/, 13 March, 2020, Hotel Marinela, Sofia.

16. Dr. Ivan Georgiev with critics for the lack of adjuvant radiotherapy in the presented patient with locoregional lymph notes metastasis from melanoma. Second national congress of the Bulgarian Society for Dermatologic Surgery/, 13 March, 2020, Hotel Marinela, Sofia.

17. Prof. Dr. Georgi Tchernev presenting a patient with a prostate-carcinoma and melanoma, developed after systemic medication with sartans and hydrochlorothiazide. Successful treatment with the One-step melanoma surgery. Second national congress of the Bulgarian Society for Dermatologic Surgery/, 13 March, 2020, Hotel Marinela, Sofia.

18. The Dean of the Trakian Medical University of Stara Zagora, Associate Prof. Dr. Julian Ananiev with an interesting experimental research in the different expression of IMP-3 in normal, atypical nevi and melanomas. Second national congress of the Bulgarian Society for Dermatologic Surgery/, 13 March, 2020, Hotel Marinela, Sofia.

19. Dr. Ivan Terziev with questions and comments over the adequate diagnostics of melanoma and the role of additional immunohistochemical marker as gold standart. Second national congress of the Bulgarian Society for Dermatologic Surgery/, 13 March, 2020, Hotel Marinela, Sofia.

20. Mr. Borislav Kosturkov with angry comments over the underestimation of the drug-induced tumors and the lack of reaction from the Bulgarian Drug Agency and Health Ministerium. Second national congress of the Bulgarian Society for Dermatologic Surgery/, 13 March, 2020, Hotel Marinela, Sofia.

21. Dr. Ivan Georgiev, Dr. Tanya Popova, Dr. Ivan Terziev in front. Dr. Daniela Karshakowa in the back. Second national congress of the Bulgarian Society for Dermatologic Surgery/, 13 March, 2020, Hotel Marinela, Sofia.

22. Mr. Borislav Kosturkov keeping an eye on the press conference of the crisis headquarters on the corona-virus situation and warning that he will call the Prime minister if day 2 of the conference takes place. A tension, used a powerful motivation, can be smelled in the air. Second national congress of the Bulgarian Society for Dermatologic Surgery/, 13 March, 2020, Hotel Marinela, Sofia.

23. The Dean of the Trakian Medical University Stara Zagora, Associate Prof. Dr. Julian Ananiev, Prof. Dr. Georgi Tchernev and Dr. Ivan Terziev in the coffee break between the sessions. The coffee tastes good after the sleepless night. Second national congress of the Bulgarian Society for Dermatologic Surgery/, 13 March, 2020, Hotel Marinela, Sofia.

24. Dr. Malev in good mood after 3 successful key-presentations in only one conference session. The world has a bright side now. Interest for the presented scientific data. A successful start. Second national congress of the Bulgarian Society for Dermatologic Surgery/, 13 March, 2020, Hotel Marinela, Sofia.

25. Dr. Milen Karaivanov after the first session and the intensive discussions. Second national congress of the Bulgarian Society for Dermatologic Surgery/, 13 March, 2020, Hotel Marinela, Sofia.

26. A rare form of verrucous keratotic melanoma and the role of the One-step melanoma surgery and the ultrasound-assisted, preoperative tumor thickness measurement as prognostic factor. A report from Prof. Dr. Georgi Tchernev. Answer to the question ‘Can we get better, realizing our own mistakes?’ Second national congress of the Bulgarian Society for Dermatologic Surgery/, 13 March, 2020, Hotel Marinela, Sofia.

27. Dr. Ivan Litov without adequate answers to questions, regarding surgical melanoma treatment in one or two sessions. Sometimes thinking is needed, although not always necessary. Second national congress of the Bulgarian Society for Dermatologic Surgery/BSDS, March, 2020, Hotel Marinela, Sofia.

28. Emotional comments from Dr. Ivan Terziev, joining the discussion. Via critics to progress. Second national congress of the Bulgarian Society for Dermatologic Surgery/, 13 March, 2020, Hotel Marinela, Sofia.

29. Another two enigmatic presentations from the young Dr. Valeri Malev about 1) The role of the dermatologic surgery in the ambulatory treatment of vascular anomalies from a dermatologic point of view and about 2) a unique case of a neurofibromatosis in a family. Second national congress of the Bulgarian Society for Dermatologic Surgery/, 13 March, 2020, Hotel Marinela, Sofia.

30. Dr. Nikolov Sr. and Dr. Nikolov Jr. – good friends of the Bulgarian Society for Dermatologic Surgery. Second national congress of the Bulgarian Society for Dermatologic Surgery/, 13 March, 2020, Hotel Marinela, Sofia.

31. Dr. Tanya Popova, Dr. Ivan Georgiev, Dr. Tatyana Pirdopska and Dr. Ivan Terziev during the sessions. Second national congress of the Bulgarian Society for Dermatologic Surgery/, 13 March, 2020, Hotel Marinela, Sofia.

32. Dr. Tanya Popova, Dr. Ivan Terziev and Prof. Dr. Georgi Tchernev during the sessions. Second national congress of the Bulgarian Society for Dermatologic Surgery/, 13 March, 2020, Hotel Marinela, Sofia.

33. Dr. Tanya Popova during her lecture for anaplastic skin T-cell lymphomas and the first two cases in Bulgaria of patients from the Medical Institute of Interior Affairs, Department of Dermatology and Venereology, treated sucssesfully with Brentuximab vedotin. Second national congress of the Bulgarian Society for Dermatologic Surgery/, 13 March, 2020, Hotel Marinela, Sofia.

34. Dr. Tanya Popova in search of her lecture on the computer. Second national congress of the Bulgarian Society for Dermatologic Surgery/, 13 March, 2020, Hotel Marinela, Sofia.

35. Unsuccessful attempt of Prof. Dr. Georgi Tchernev to convince Dr. Litov, that one operation/surgical session is always better than two sessions for patients with malignant melanoma. Second national congress of the Bulgarian Society for Dermatologic Surgery/,13 March, 2020, Hotel Marinela, Sofia.

36. Prof. Dr Albena Todorova presenting the role of prenatal diagnostics and genetics in patients with neurofibromatosis. Second national congress of the Bulgarian Society for Dermatologic Surgery/, 13 March, 2020, Hotel Marinela, Sofia.

37. Prof. Dr Albena Todorova presenting and discussing the role of genetic testing in patients with familial melanoma. It was followed by a discussion, given the fact that most of the mutations in melanoma patients are acquired. Second national congress of the Bulgarian Society for Dermatologic Surgery/, 13 March, 2020, Hotel Marinela, Sofia.

38. Prof. Dr. Georgi Tchernev talking to two dermatologist from Sri Lanka. Second national congress of the Bulgarian Society for Dermatologic Surgery/, 13 March, 2020, Hotel Marinela, Sofia.

39. Prof. Dr. Tanya Hadzhieva commenting the modern treatment of Kaposi sarcoma and a dose of criticism for the institutions in Bulgaria, not providing adequate diagnostics. Second national congress of the Bulgarian Society for Dermatologic Surgery/, 13 March, 2020, Hotel Marinela, Sofia.

40. Prof. Dr. Tanya Hadzhieva in a debate with Dr. Ivan Terziev, regarding the ineffectiveness of the histopathological and immunohistochemical diagnostics in the management of Kaposi sarcoma. There is no routine PCR test for HHV 8 in lesional tissue, which makes differential diagnosis with angiosarcoma impossible. Second national congress of the Bulgarian Society for Dermatologic Surgery/, 13 March, 2020, Hotel Marinela, Sofia.

41. Prof. Dr. Tanya Hadzhieva commenting common patients with Kaposi sarcoma and the radiotherapy in combination with radiosurgery. Discussion for the role of local and systemic Beta-Blocker for the first time in Bulgaria, as an adjuvant therapy, after radiotherapy and suspected relapse. Second national congress of the Bulgarian Society for Dermatologic Surgery/, 13 March, 2020, Hotel Marinela, Sofia.

42. Dr. Ana Bitolska with a perfect first presentation for dermatosurgical treatment of giant epidermal cysts on the scalp in adult patient. Second national congress of the Bulgarian Society for Dermatologic Surgery/, 13 March, 2020, Hotel Marinela, Sofia.

43. Dr. Tatyana Pirdopska with a presentation for the role of histopathological verification in patients with neurofibromatosis and presentation of multiple plexiform neurofibromas with cutaneous and internal involvement. Second national congress of the Bulgarian Society for Dermatologic Surgery/,13 March, 2020, Hotel Marinela, Sofia.

44. Dr. Tatyana Pirdopska from the University Hospital ‘St. Queen Yoana’ discussing the need of precise algorithms for follow-up of patients with inoperable forms of Neurofibromatosis 1. Second national congress of the Bulgarian Society for Dermatologic Surgery/, 13 March, 2020, Hotel Marinela, Sofia.

45. During the presentations: Dr. Tanya Popova, Dr. Ivan Terziev, Prof. Dr. Georgi Tchernev. Second national congress of the Bulgarian Society for Dermatologic Surgery/, 13 March, 2020, Hotel Marinela, Sofia.

46. The journalist and public figure- Mr. Borislav Kosturkov trying to convince Prof. Georgi Tchernev to stop the conference. The peace is restored after the assurance that day 2 will not take place. Second national congress of the Bulgarian Society for Dermatologic Surgery/ ,13 March, 2020, Hotel Marinela, Sofia.

47. Dr. Ana Bitolska from the dermatology masterclass in Onkoderma, presenting the island- and stretch-flap plastics in combination, as a good option for patients with epidermal cysts on the scalp. Second national congress of the Bulgarian Society for Dermatologic Surgery/, 13 March, 2020, Hotel Marinela, Sofia.

48. It is time for a party. The heroes are exhausted. ‘Ladies, it is time for a drink and a cigar, don’t you think?’ Second national congress of the Bulgarian Society for Dermatologic Surgery/, 1 March, 2020, Hotel Marinela, Sofia.

49. Last survivors. Day 1 of the conference was perfect, despite the state of emergency, starting the same day. Expect us again on 16th May, again in Hotel Marinela, Hall Sofia. New 25 original reports, based completely on data from our clinical practice. Thank you for your support in this hard times, caused by the Corona-situation. We made it! Second national congress of the Bulgarian Society for Dermatologic Surgery/,13 March, 2020, Hotel Marinela, Sofia.