Isoprinosine (inosine pranobex, inosine acedoben dimepranol) is an antiviral drug and immunomodulator that is a combination of inosine and dimepranol acedoben (a salt of acetamidobenzoic acid and dimethylaminoisopropanol).
Isoprinosine has been used for many years treating genital warts and HPV infections. It has no direct antiviral effect on HPV but it acts like immumodulator Boosting the immune system for spontaneous elimination of HPV particles.
The supplementation of conventional treatment with inosine pranobex increased the success rate from 41% to 94% in HPV infections.
Many investigations have established the high efficiency of using inosine pranobex to treat human papillomavirus infection: in combination therapy (87.5–97%) and in monotherapy (72.4–95%). There is evidence for an improvement in the regeneration processes in the genital tract mucous membrane when Isoprinosine is used after destructive therapy and an increase in the rate of human papillomavirus elimination as a result of the treatment.